Tuesday, February 16, 2010


In addition to the regular weekly blog post, I'm also asking you to write a post over the long weekend.

This week's blog topic: Reflect on the idea of the "performance self" and the "authentic self" Blum describes in Chapter 3 of My Word. Here are some questions you may want to consider: Do you agree with her descriptions of these two types? Do you identify more with one than the other? If so, why? What do you think of Blum's statement on p. 89 that "The performance self is more prone to cheat and plagiarize than the authentic self. . .For a performance self, intellectual property is a quaint yet meaningless notion." This post should be about 500 words in length.

Over the long weekend, I'm also asking you to look around and start reading some other blogs. Find at least five that you really enjoy and want to keep reading, and add them to your blog's blogroll. Write a blog post telling us why these blogs are great. No minimum word count -- just tell us why these blogs interest you, and why we should check them out!

Don't forget, as part of every blog assignment, you should be reading and commenting on at least two of your peers' blogs.

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